
The Dark Knight

Another collaboration with the mighty Dave Hitchcock. He was commissioned to draw this wonderfully moody piece and after I commented on Facebook he asked if I fancied colouring it. There was absolutely zero chance of me saying no, so here it is.

With Dave's work, because the linework is so lovingly rendered, a lot of the tonal stuff is already taken care of, so as a colourist I have to bring something else to it. The important things are the colour choices and the textures rather than any real rendering.


Han Solo

Despite being burnt 3 times in a row (along with the rest of the world) after the prequel trilogy, I find myself ridiculously excited at the news that not just 1 or even 3 new Star Wars movies are in the works - but 6! As well as episodes 7-9 we appear to be getting 3 stand-alone movies focusing on Yoda, Han & Boba Fett in turn.

Come on Disney/J.J. Abrams/Lawrence Kasdan and (with a bit of luck) Anthony Ingruber - don't let us down.

The lantern jaw of The Law

Haven't drawn Dredd for what seems like an age, so it was time for another portrait of the monolithic man. For this one I started with a photo of the great Clint Eastwood (John Wagner's original inspiration for the character), then decided to draw him in the uniform from the recent balls-to-the-wall movie. Quite pleased with the result - especially like how the eagle pad turned out (love how the costume designers simplified it).

Pentel brush pen and Photoshop.