
Ichabod colour trial

Fairly rushed colour job, experimenting.


  1. The colouring is great, really helps draw the focus in and I had my fingers crossed for a view of his opponent through the gaping headwound.

  2. Thanks dude, but I really don't feel I've achieved what I wanted to with this. I quite like the colour scheme and the clouds (my girlfriend said it reminded her of Munch, one of those Krakatoa skies), but the opponent isb't clear enough. Ah well, it was fun as an exercise anyway.

  3. I like it in that hyper-real way (like Sukiyaki Western Django). If you wanted to go for more of a true western feel then you'd want to desaturate the colours, give it a parched, bleached out feel and then perhaps give the opponent a brightly coloured shirt?

  4. Thanks for the insightful thoughts (as ever) man!
